Awardees of the third Residency Program 2018
Awardees of the third Residency Programme on
On the Significance of Love in the Arts, Philosophy and Contemporary Forms of Life
Place of the Residency Programme: Adishakti, Laboratory for Arts Research, South-India, Tamil Nadu. Duration: 3 months, December 10th 2018 – march 9th 2019.
The applications procedure for the third Residency Programme for Artistic Research and Arts-based Philosophy 2018/2019 in Tamil Nadu, South India, has been completed. The Board* has decided to grant 6 Residency Scholarships to the following applicants:
1) Ivan Pantelic´(University of Applied Arts Vienna, 3-month Scholarship)
2a) Lisz Hirn (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, 2-month Scholarship)
2b) Bernd Brabec de Mori (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, 1-month Scholarship)
3) Kanya Kanchana (University of Music and Performing Graz, 3-month Scholarship)
4) Katharina Klement (University of Music and Performing ARts Vienna, 3-month Scholarship)
5) Savita Rani (BMEIA, 3-month Scholarship)
6a) Mersolis Schöne (University of Vienna, Faculty of Philosophy and Education, 2-month Scholarship)
6b) Kijan Muhamed Korjenic (University of Vienna, Faculty of Philosophy and Education, 1-month Scholarship)
The Residency Programme will take place from December 10th 2018 – March 9th 2019 in Adishakti, Laboratory for Arts Research, South-India, Tamil Nadu.
View detailed information on the Residency Programme 2018/19 here: Call for Applications
We congratulate all awardees and are very much looking forward to welcome them at Adishakti to collectively perform our research in the arts and philosophy on LOVE MATTERS…
*Board members:
Gerald Bast (University of Applied Arts Vienna), Doris Ingrisch (University of Music and Perfroming Arts Vienna), Deniz Peters and Wolfgang Hattinger (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz), Arno Böhler (baseCollective, University of Vienna, Faculty of Philosophy and Education), Susanne Valerie Granzer (baseCollective, University of Music and Performing aRts Vienna), Natascha Grij (BMEIA)
Imprint: In charge of the residency programme
baseCollective. Philosophy as Artistic Research
Univ.Prof.Dr. Susanne Valerie Granzer and Univ.Doz.Dr.habil. Arno Böhler
Pfeilgasse 8/38, 1080 Vienna, Austria, Europe ;
Cooperation partners (Scholarship sponsors)
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, University of Applied Arts Vienna, University of Vienna (Faculty of Philosophy and Education), Federal Ministry of the Republic of Austria (BMEIA).